Saturday 19 February 2011

Service Will Be Resumed...

Tomorrow, maybe?

I'm sorry for my lack of posts over the past few days. I've got yet another cold and have been feeling a bit blah, plus I lost my camera! The teenager located it tonight, the kittens had pounced on it and carried it triumphantly off LMAO which accurately depicts life here at the moment. Six active, healthy, bouncy kittens... it's absolute bedlam! I wouldn't have it any other way.

So tomorrow I'll take a bunch of new photos and we'll be back to normal as far as posts go. Monday we are in for microchipping, and later on in the week the kittens will have their final flea and worm treatments. I had a call from the GCCF this week and they are processing the pedigree slips, so they should come soon too... after agonising over the registration form, I only went and wrote the wrong amount on the cheque! Duh... thank goodness for credit card payment.

I haven't posted the kittens weights this week either... my bog standard kitchen scale just can't cope with a hefty, twitchy kitten and this weeks weights were decidedly weird, so weird that they couldn't possibly be accurate (I KNOW for example, that Monty's a big kitten but he's not 2kg yet!) I suspect last week's weren't all that accurate either. So I'll ask the vet to weigh them properly on Monday. They've had a vaccination and a change of food since the last weights, so I wouldn't be surprised if they haven't gained much, but like I say some of the weights I was getting were just daft!

Right, well it's nearly midnight, and I'm off to bed. Until tomorrow!

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