Tuesday, 9 December 2014


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Because the teenager has had exams this term (and in fact still has this week), I haven't advertised the babies yet, and it's worked a lot better doing it this way. We've done the whole tricky weaning/ toilet training/ early socialising bit without me worrying about having to show the babies off. I'm definitely gong to hold fire on the advertising next time, in fact a breeder friend of mine commented recently she doesn't bother till eight weeks old!

That isn't to say that there's been no interest... there has. We had S and K over last weekend, who chose Michael, and we have visitors this weekend which we are very much looking forward to meeting. The weekend after that we have more visitors, who are ultimately looking to have a kitten from Lucy, and I expect by then I will have put an advert in and have had a little more interest. But it's been one family at a time, rather than all at once, and when visitors have come I've never once looked at the clock and been worried about the next people arriving, or that I haven't spent enough time on an email.  It's been lovely!

I'm going to have to think about it soon though. But next week will be soon enough, I think :)

Last weekend, I received a lovely email from one of last year's families, which I am going to share with you, not because I want to toot my own horn but because I was genuinely touched by such a lovely gesture! But then, 'my' families are always lovely! *grin*

Can't believe how time has flown and the kittens are choosing their new homes.  

You are a very special person Beth.  Your commitment to Indigo and her kittens is amazing.  We, the families, are so privileged to be able to share in their progress before we bring our little ones home, through your blog and by visits.  Even now, after a year, we still feel part of the extended Indikon family. You have always been there for us when we needed help or advice. Thank you so much.


 lovely little story on Teddy - the other day he came in from the garden and his collar was missing. I naturally remarked on this to him as I clipped on a spare one.  He dashed out and a few minutes later came in with his other collar in his mouth!  What a good boy.

Sophie, as ever, is a real character and continues to keep us on our toes.

Wow, how is that for a testimonial! Thank you so much, S and P!

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